| The New Supreme’s Juicy Cocktail |


Inspired by Custom Car Crash | Calla I’ve been recently re-(re)-watching American Horror Story – Coven and one thing I cannot get tired of is Fifi’s drinking & destroying scenes. Bitch is fierce and she knows it. Although all that power doesn’t seem to get her a proper juicy (and yet pretty strong, yes…) cocktail when needed. […]

| Chèvre, Grape & Walnut Bruschetta |

031felipe-terrazzan-the-blind-taste-food-blog-gourmand-cuisine-culinary-recette-recipe-guide-restaurant-paris-new-york-sao-paulo-fooding-receitas-gastronomia-cozinha-delicious-easy-tasty-facile-candelaria-glass-paris-3-marais-restaurant-tacos-tapas-mexicain7-sake-sakerinha-cocktail-fraise-basilic-basilc-strawberry-bruschetta-grapes-raisins-chèvre-noix-walnuts-bruschetta 1

Inspired by La Prima Estate – Erlend Øye Ok so Paris is actually sunny ! I’m still convinced we will freeze again before truly enjoying sunlight half-naked in the streets. But you cannot avoid it – and why should you? – : last weekend everyone was out in drinking at terrasses, rolling in the grass or even taking […]