| Filets de Daurade Rôtis au Cumin |
Inspiré par Open Sea Theme – The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Soundtrack (cliquez pour lancer dans un nouvel onglet!) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou est un chef d’oeuvre. Plongés dans un univers complètement décalé, on peut réellement apprécier une histoire qui, tout en étant très touchante, nous apporte une bonne dose d’humour. J’ai beaucoup aimé […]
| Filé de Dourado Assado ao Cominho |
Inspirado por Open Sea Theme – The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Soundtrack (clique para abrir em uma nova janela!) A vida Aquática com Steve Zissou é uma obra prima. Mergulhados num universo completamente fora de tempo e espaço, o filme nos faz apreciar uma história que é realmente tocante e, além disso, nos proporciona uma boa dose de […]
| Sea Bream Roasted with Cumin |
Inspired by Open Sea Theme – The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Soundtrack (click to open on a new tab!) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou is absolutely amazing. Plunged into a completely out of sync universe, you can really enjoy a story, which, whilst it is moving, doesn’t fail to deliver on humour. I really enjoyed the […]
| Double Chocolat & Raspberries Fondant |
Inspired by Over and Over | Hot Chip This recipe is the result of many failed attempts at that traditional “6 pack Summer Project”. You’ll soon understand why. We’ve all tried many different kinds of gooey fondants – some really are melt in the middle ones, others are just brownies disguised by a fancy name. However […]
| Fondant com 2 Chocolates & Framboesas |
Inspirado por Over and Over | Hot Chip Esta receita de fondant com 2 chocolates e framboesas é a grande responsável por recorrentes erros que cometi desde que me propus fazer parte do anual «Projeto de Verão: tanquinho ». Vocês vão rapidamente saber o porquê. Todos nós já provamos diversos tipos de fondant, só alguns realmente ” […]
| Fondant aux 2 Chocolats, Framboises |
Inspiré par Over and Over – Hot Chip Cette recette est la grande responsable de mon échec récurrent lorsque je me lance dans le traditionnel «Projet Eté: Tablettes de Chocolat». Vous allez rapidement comprendre pourquoi. On a tous déjà dégusté différents types de fondants, certains réellement fondants, d’autres des brownies déguisés sous un label un peu […]
| Brigadeiros (do Brasil) |
Inspiré par Brasileirinho | Ramilson Maia Remix C’est juste brigadeiro, mais je sais à quel point vous aimez (& nous brésiliens détestons) dire « do braziooou ». Plongeons donc dans l’histoire du brigadeiro tout en écoutant la version drum & bass du grand classique Brasileirinho remixé par Ramilson Maia. Étant donné le poids de la légende plusieurs versions existent […]
| Brigadeiros (do Brasil) |
Inspirado por Brasileirinho | Ramilson Maia Remix O nome da receita é brigadeiro, e eu sei o quanto você amigo francês gosta de (& nós brasileiros detestamos) dizer « do braziooou ». Mas vamos mergulhar nesta história do brigadeiro escutando o som drum & bass do grande clássico Brasileirinho remixado por Ramilson Maia. Dado o peso da lenda criada em torno […]
| Brigadeiros (do Brasil) |
Inspired by Brasileirinho | Ramilson Maia Remix They’re actually just called brigadeiros, but I know how much you love (& we brazilians hate) saying “do brasioou”. Let’s delve into the history of the brigadeiro whilst listening to the drum and bass version of the great classic Brasileirinho remixed by Ramilson Maia. According to legend several versions exist but everything seems to […]
| Goat Cheese & Thyme Puff Parcels |
Inspired by Woo Hoo |’s Everyone’s off on holiday! The ones who stayed in France come back far browner than you are and the one’s that went else abroad won’t stop telling you about how wonderful their travels were like big instawhores. Don’t be jealous; just get ready to invite them over for drinks! There’s nothing […]